After having introduced its big motorcycles in India recently, KTM is now aiming to wrap up the year on a high note. The manufacturer has announced a year-end discount of Rs 20,000 on its popular 250 Duke motorcycle. With this offer, the bike’s price has been reduced from Rs 2.45 lakh to Rs 2.25 lakh, ex-showroom. However, this special pricing is available for a limited time only, until December 31 or until stocks last. With the recent updates and added features, this pricing makes it a good time to consider purchasing the model.
KTM Duke 250: What’s on offer
The KTM 250 Duke received significant updates recently, including a new front fascia inspired by the 390 Duke. It now features a headlamp with boomerang-shaped LED DRLs, giving it a sharper and more modern look.
The motorcycle also sports a 5.0-inch full-colour TFT display, borrowed from the 390 Duke, which offers refreshed graphics and advanced features. These include smartphone connectivity, turn-by-turn navigation, and headset pairing via the KTM Connect app. Riders can toggle between two display modes namely, Street and Track. Additionally, the bike comes with refreshed switchgear, including a four-way menu switch to control the TFT display.
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KTM Duke 250: Engine and hardware
Mechanically, the 250 Duke remains unchanged. It continues to be powered by a 248cc single-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine that delivers 31 hp and 25 Nm of torque. The engine is paired with a six-speed gearbox and comes with features like a bi-directional quickshifter and switchable dual-channel ABS as standard.
Moreover, it is equipped with USD front forks, a rear monoshock, and 17-inch alloy wheels. The braking setup includes a 320mm front disc and a 240mm rear disc.